Look, as much as I hate the Bush shitballs this really is a different matter.
The first interogations (sp?) will undoubtedly be centered precisely on who he still had working for him, what and where their resources are. This will be done to dismantel whatever network of resistance he controled. That is an absolute certainty.
What will come later may be political in nature, and it might not be too much later either, but not right now. Right now they are looking for matters of military importance.
I am sure the shitballs would love to be able to show, through Sadam's words, that he, and he alone, has been in control of the attacks against our troops. The last thing on this earth they want is for him to say, something like 'no, my people abandoned me except for a few friends who have hidden me' because if he says that then we have to face facts. Those facts would be that we are an occupying force that is now enguaged with liberation fighters. That is contrary to all the US is (in my opnion) and would be a disgrace that even the chief shitball could not hide from.