Bush pulled Saddam (rabbit) out of hat to save his skin.
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Sun Dec-14-03 10:26 AM
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Bush pulled Saddam (rabbit) out of hat to save his skin. |
They knew where he was all along. Then when the Halliburton investigation happened and Bush/Cheney began to sweat, they pull Saddam out of Tikrit to divert the news coverage.
Anybody think I'm right?
I also think Osama will be "captured" when the time is right, to help him win the election.
Maddy McCall
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Sun Dec-14-03 10:27 AM
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1. Actually, I don't agree... |
There is no evil monster on whom to pin Bush's Iraq failures any longer. There is no longer an evil monster directing opposition forces in Iraq.
The evil on the outside is gone now; Bush will have to look within to locate the failures of his Iraqi policy.
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Sun Dec-14-03 10:49 AM
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2. bad timing for bush actually |
for max political effect it should have coincided with the repuke convention in nyc. given the overall incompetence of the occupation, it won't be too long before the bloom is off this rose.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:49 AM
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