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What about Saddam's loyalists who did his bidding?

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 11:54 AM
Original message
What about Saddam's loyalists who did his bidding?
Saddam is just one big fat mouth.

Evil, yes.

But his henchmen did all the work.

Saddam just ruled and told people what to do.

Why did the people do it? There are more of them than there are of Saddam.

The world is not safer. Not one diddling bit.

And now for the pulp of the matter:

Bush is a big fat mouth too.

Evil, yes.

But his henchmen do all the work.

Bush just rules and tells people what to do.

Why do the people do it? There are more of them than there are more of him*.

Unfortunately, Bush* HAS WMDs. Tons of them. With a military budget not seen since the likes of Rome (remember how that little empire ended?) Like Saddam, he wants to control the people under his rule and has openly said so, so many times that not a citizen should be supporting this freak*. Unlike Saddam, however, he IS a threat to everyone else because he actually has WMDs, has used them to his heart's content, and has called to make new weapons based on the most hideous and heinous of technologies; otherwise known as "tactical, useable nuclear bombs". (the only reason why he hasn't used full-scale nukes yet is because he hasn't rigged a situation where he'd be exonerated if he have to launch a few, though North Korea is just waiting to happen, thanks to his brash, toddler-like mouth... And don't forget, his merry soldiers have used weapons firing Depleted Uranium bullets and not informing the troops to keep Iraqi civilians away from the areas where the bullets were used. This is liberation? Sounds more like punishment and torture.)

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muriel_volestrangler Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 12:04 PM
Response to Original message
1. remember how that little empire ended?
Yes, it lasted 400 years in an almost unchanged form, and then gradually broke up (Rome may have been sacked, but many parts of the empire survived unscathed - Constantinople survived 800 years before beong sacked, and over 1000 years before falling permanently to the Turks).

What's your point?
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