Look, I like Dean. I think he would make an EXCELLENT president. He's got charisma, charm - hed give us 8 years of peace and prosperity. Times would be good.
But with Sadaam's capture, we are going to need a bit more ammo come November than even Joe Trippi, mastermind that he is, can deliver.
But hear me out on this - right now we are set for the perfect storm. In all honesty, I think Bush *found* Sadaam a bit too early. There are still 11 months until Novemeber - LOTS of things can happen between now and then. Finding Sadaam now will only cement into the peoples mind that Sadaam was not the one orchestrating the attacks against us on the streets.
So who are people going to look to, seeing that Iraq truly is, a quagmire? Will the want Kerry, someone who voted to get us into the mess in the first place? Will they want Dean, who does want to pull us out, but may be seen as weak in this arena?
In the NH debate, Clark made a statement of his past sucesses under Clinton in turning a quagmire into a democracy. Something to the effect of "I did this in Haiti, and I did this in Bosnia."
If Clark can push this message from now until November, it will start slow at first - but come November he will win in a landslide.