The Leaker in the White House
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Sun Dec-14-03 12:34 PM
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The Leaker in the White House |
Now that military deserter and corporate criminal george bush has captured an old man in a hole in the desert do you think he might be able to capture a federal criminal on his own staff? Take a moment today my fellow DUers and see if we can contact news organizations and direct their questioning to little scottie mclellan about the status of the investigation of who outed a cia operative. That capture would be more significant relative to our security than the pissy assed little event of today.
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Sun Dec-14-03 12:36 PM
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1. They do seem to have better luck with barbed wiring an area |
and putting massive troops into place. Can we suggest a less hazardous method but with the same results occur in Bush's Barracks?
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Sun Dec-14-03 01:04 PM
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Only the reality impaired can reconcile the capture of Saddam as a great moment in history.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:54 AM
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