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A Holiday for Rubes

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BOSSHOG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 03:13 PM
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A Holiday for Rubes
Capturing an old man in a hole, while at least one federal criminal runs loose in the white house, gives solace to the ignorant masses which comprise the republican base. Hussein, who had nothing to do with the September 11th terrorist attacks and who had no weapons to speak of other than those provided to him by republicans will be used by rove and novak and the rest of the evil conservative media (please pick up on this) to give their dumbass base orgasms. Coitus interruptus will come in the form of more americans killed, all in the name of bushcheney greed. Then, those who breath through their mouths will wonder why the honorable man of integrity has not ended the hate against america. But they will be compelled to support him because the message will come from the pulpits. Is there any wonder there is a rise in secularism in this country, when preachers preach hate on a weekly basis.
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beardedOldMan Donating Member (54 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 03:25 PM
Response to Original message
1. Yeeeeeeeeehhhhaaaaaar!!!
:toast: :beer:

Don't forget us ignorant independants and democrats too!!!

Whooooheeee! Celebrate good times like it's 1999. :)
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 04:07 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. ignorant independants? democrats?
Since you know the rules of capitalization, why are these not capitalized in your post? I notice you didn't capitalize Blacks either in the Sharpton thread.

No, it's not the Independants who are ignorant.
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Red_Viking Donating Member (903 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 03:25 PM
Response to Original message
2. Do you think SH will still be news
...even in a few weeks? I just don't see how this could end well for BushCo.

I've completely avoided all news except NPR, and they ended up pissing me off, so my details on the capture come from what I've read on DU. However, it sounds fishy, and not something KKKarl would have scripted. The chimp was caught unawares, as was Faux News. This could play out in oh so many ways, but here are my possible scenarios:

1. SH accidentally "falls" out of a helo while being transported to one prison or another. Oops.
2. SH disappears down the memory hole and becomes a non-issue.
3. SH is tried in an international court next summer, he spills the beans about his ties to the CIA, Raygun, and Bush 41, the shrub's ties to the Saudis and their complicity in 9/11, that he never ever ever had any WMD (he was bluffing), and BushCo paid him well to stay in his hole, planning to spring him on the world right before November 2004. OK, so this is my dream scenario, but hey, it sounds good!

Whatever happens, I can't imagine this incident raising credibility with undecided voters. Yes, he was "captured." What now? How will the fascists handle this new development? Most likely, since they are notoriously short-sighted, they will spin like mad for now then completely f--- things up, and it will become a non-issue for 2004. The bedwetters who make up the neocon rank and file will vote for shrub*, no matter who runs in opposition.

Let's not get off-message here. It's what KKKarl wants. There are still lies to be accounted for, dead American soldiers returning home in secret transport tubes, multitudes of innocent dead Iraqi civilians, and our tax dollars flowing into Halliburton's pockets.

Good post--


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