Edited on Sun Dec-14-03 04:25 PM by Blade
I was glad when I heard the announcement that Saddam Hussein was captured. He was an evil man. He tortured many people under his leadership. He killed thousands who opposed him.
I have a problem with this. Now Dubya will boost in the polls, for how long, I do not know. He will take credit because Clinton's army captured the SOB. I have a problem with this: I hope the American people won't forget why we went to Iraq the first place: for the search of WMD's and that Saddam Hussein was an "imminent threat" to the US.
Couple of points: 1. Where are the WMD's? 2. Why was Iraq an "imminent threat" to the security of the US? 3. Now...forget about Saddam. Where's the man that directly attacked the US on September 11, 2001? It certainely wasn't Saddam Hussein that attacked us, that's for sure. Osama bin Laden. Where is he Dubya, you son-of-a-bitch?
Dubya needs to quit thinking he's the man because Clinton's Army captured Saddam. He needs to quit basking in the slight success his misadminastration has gotten today. He needs to jump back into reality on what's going on. Thousands of people have died since this war started 9 months ago, all because of a lie.
I hope the president feels proud right now, proud that he lied to the American public, proud that he lied about the reasons of the war, and taking the focus off Bin Laden-the very man who attacked us on 9/11-for his personal gains in a little oil in the Persian Gulf.
I have but one question for that fucktard: Where in the hell is Osama bin Laden, the one man who was the mastermind behind the attacks on the WTC and the Pentagon on September 11, 2001? The one man who attacked the US, the one man who was an imminent threat to the security of the US?
Iraq supposedly was an "imminent threat" to the US. What threat were they? The only threat I saw was that Saddam would burn his oil supplies so Dubya wouldn't be able to get any of it and try to exploit it for profit.
The war in Iraq was indeed a bad move. But are the media whores and the sheeple of the US going to agree with us? Heck no. They'll see all over the news for the next 9483750934875983475 years that Dubya led a war that ultimately led to the capture of Saddam Hussein, because Saddam Hussein was a bad man.
Yes, Saddam Hussein was a bad man, but we have to remember this: The ends don't justify the means.
Thanks for putting up with the rant.