Not about Saddam or anything else. It was about this threat that was so horrible that we had to invade immediately or there would be no more Mom, baseball, and apple pie because we would all die a horribly painful death due to the tons and tons of WMD.
That hasn't changed. Basically we should not be in the business of invading countries just because we don't like their leaders. Unless WMD are found and a clear and direct threat to the United States is discovered, this capture of Saddam Hussein mean no more than capturing Uday and Kusay meant.
Yeah, it's a good thing that Saddam is gone, but no one has a crystal ball to predict what tomorrow will bring.
The bottom line is that nothing has changed. The reasons we were given for this war are still as false today as they were yesterday. It was for that lack of reason that we were unable to get longstanding allies or the UN's approval to embark on this ill-advised adventure. Should we be proud as Americans that we that we offended most of the world, defied internation opinion and international law, and invaded a country that posed no threat to us, killing thousands of people in the process and mortgaging our children's future to pay for it? I don't think so.
The end still don't justify the means and the road to hell is still paved with good intentions. And to be quite honest, while I trust the intentions of the average American people, I do not for a moment believe that the intentions of the adminstration were noble.