Edited on Sun Dec-14-03 05:49 PM by Cush
Chicago, Ill.: This war was originally sold as a necessary action to prevent a "mushroom cloud" appearing over the U.S. -- and has been in typical media hyperventilating fashion, reduced today to a "we got Jesse James" melodrama.
Do you actually think that Hussein's capture will make a whit of difference to Islaamists who hated him anyway, or normal Iraqis who abhor being occupied?
Robert G. Kaiser: More of the same. And I agree with you, too.
Washington, D.C.: Eight months later Saddam is captured. How is this a "success?"
Does anyone think that the fighting in Iraq is to return Saddam to power? Or is the fighting for some other reason such as: to get the U.S. out of Iraq; to keep the Sunni faction from being made powerless?
We know that there is a media machine in the White House that will promote it as such, (remember, "Mission Accomplished?") but will The Post report the facts or will the headlines scream the GOP line?
Robert G. Kaiser: The Post proudly reports the facts, and will continue to do so.