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The Inevitability of the "Desperation of the Democrats"

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zbdent Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 07:25 PM
Original message
The Inevitability of the "Desperation of the Democrats"
We are about to be painted as "desperate" now that "Bush has Captured Saddam".

That is a defeatist attitude, allowing the opposition to define us.

There are many aspects of this which still have venom.

Bush declared victory 227 days before reality even came close. Victory was redefined as "driving him out of his home". Right (sarcasm). And the Al Qaeda is broken and ineffective. This was like declaring a football game over because one team scored two touchdowns in the first 5 minutes.

There are still no WMDs found. This is really the defining of the misAdministration's pattern of "Declare Victory on Page 1, print the retraction in the Entertainment section of the want ads two weeks later". Bush and company have yet to prove the French and Germans wrong.

Capturing Saddam after 9 months of invasion/occupation is akin to the concept of robbing a house because you know a sex offender lived there and had cool stuff, then accidentally shooting him dead. You cleared he Earth of a total scumbag. How you went about it was illegal and immoral. Is it still something to be crowing about?

Halliburton is going to probably pay a fine for "overcharging" the government for gasoline. Is this going to be like Neil Bush having to pay $25000 for the millions that he screwed the "little people" out of? Halliburton still got a sweetheart multi-billion dollar deal. Remember the outcry when Janet Reno was going to investigate the allegations against Clinton. Now the Bush misAdministration is going to investigate Cheney's Halliburton. RIIIIIIIIIGHT.

Is a weak dollar something to be proud of? Well, if you are buying, no. If you are shipping raw materials out of the country to your factory where a week's wages could buy you a candy bar, it's a good thing. Just don't cry when the finished product you want to buy comes back and you have to pay much more for it.

Advertising is up. YAYYYY! Could it be because an election is coming up? Could it be because of the Olympics, which is a major draw? Could it be because desperate businesses are trying to lure people into their stores to squeeze out the last remaining nooks and crannies of their credit limits?

We are not desperate. We are not defeated.

We may not win the White House back because Saddam's head is paraded around the Olympic Stadium on a pike behind the US flag.

But we will not roll over and die just because the Republicans and the media tell us to do so.
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Dimsdale Donating Member (466 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 08:06 PM
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1. If I were to steal from my employer...
I wouldn't just be told to pay them back what I'd taken. I'd be shown the door and probably prosecuted as well. Will Halliburton lose their contracts? NFW.
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