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Media Calls Iraq a "War on Terror"

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cavebat2000 Donating Member (347 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 07:31 PM
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Media Calls Iraq a "War on Terror"
"WASHINGTON - Saddam Hussein (news - web sites)'s capture lifted a huge political weight from President Bush (news - web sites) after months of rising casualties and growing doubts about his handling of Iraq (news - web sites). Around the world, it sent a thundering message of America's resolve to prevail in the war against terrorism." -AP

Since when has iraq had anything to do with the 3000 people who died on september 11th? I can't believe the AP is posting this sh*t. This is what ticks me off. Conservative Rhetoric. It's no wonder 70% of americans think Saddam was responsible for sept 11th. Grrr... I just want to hit someone.
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cthrumatrix Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 07:32 PM
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1. this is shrubs war for PNAC and the elite which own the media
plan on hearing more of this for the election season
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Malva Zebrina Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 07:40 PM
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2. Bush's "war on terror"
Edited on Sun Dec-14-03 07:45 PM by EarlG
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soothsayer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 07:45 PM
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3. well, it was easier to capture saddam than OBL
I mean, come on! let's take the easy way out

we don't know where osama is, whereas we pounded iraq every week for 12, 13 years
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BootinUp Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 08:03 PM
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4. Months from now...
This capture isn't going to help Bush. By then the reality of the situation in Iraq will be crystal clear. It will be obvious that the insurgency had very little or nothing to do with Sadaam Hussein. It will be clear that the mess in Iraq has to do with the failed policies of Bush, the fact the world did not agree with us on this mission, the fact that too many Iraqis see us as an occupier or just want to disrupt the chances for a democratic government and we don't have the force structure to control the situation.

And Bush and the republicans and other confused Americans won't be able to point to Sadaam Hussein as the problem any more. And there still won't be any evidence of the threat to the US that Bush claimed existed.

The insurgents in Iraq have a goal, and it doesn't depend on Sadamm Hussein. The media, pundits are wrong again.
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markus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 08:11 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Imagine Saddam in the dock
saying "what weapons of mass destruction. Show me the weapons of mass destruction."

In other news, three U.S. soldiers were killed by a roadside bomb, bringing total fatalities to over 1,000 since President Bush delcared an end to hostilities.

Anyone taking bets on the liklihood of Saddam suffering a massive heart attack? I think the only real question is when?

Or will he get to subpeona the DoD folks who pointed out that the massive gas attack on villages by Saddam during the Iraq-Iran war never happened? Does he get to subpeona members of the Administration. Bush the First?

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nomaco-10 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-14-03 08:22 PM
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6. Pentagon Language
The Iraqi Invasion is "The War on Terror". US soldiers deaths are "The Cost of Freedom". Collateral Damage is 50,000+ dead Iraqi civilians. The newest one, helicopters taking on enemy fire = "Forced Landing". The Pentagon to the news media "we'll disinform so you can misinform the masses. Sad, ain't it?
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