Even though I have a twelve page paper that's due at noon today, I've been thinking about Saddam's capture and how it reflects on the Dean campaign. This is all speculation at this point anyway since we need to see how it really affects the Democratic presidential race by the primary season.
This morning, Dean is going to give a major foreign policy speech. Since the media seems to focus on him because he's the front-runner, they'll carry his speech at 10:30am. From what I've heard, this speech got Gore's endorsement so it's probably going to be one of the best speeches that Dean will ever give in this campaign race.
I posted an earlier article that suggested how Dean could reframe the foreign policy situation with Saddam Hussein. Here's the link to the article:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=909659We have to remember that the capture of Saddam doesn't change the fact that this war was based on lies about weapons of mass destruction. Tomorrow, as long as Dean manages to get his opposing multilaterist view on foreign policy out into the news cycle, we'll have an opposing point for viewers to listen to (assuming the media doesn't start belittling Dean's foreign policy speech).
I'd expect for more focus to be given on this by the Dean campaign in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Also, Dean has other issues such as the economy and healthcare which voters also care about. The short-term boost of a Saddam capture won't outweigh the war deficit and the attacks on American troops----the voters will soon feel the brunt of that within the next few weeks.
Right now, I'm telling you not to give up and keep on working to get the word out. Here's talking points for tomorrow morning to spread among people that you're looking to reach:
1)Saddam Hussein was never involved with 9-11. He was not an imminent threat.
2)This war cost us billion of dollars that our children will have to pay, and cost us 500 American lives so far.
3)The capture of Saddam will not stop the attacks and it will not bring our troops home right away.
Spread those talking points---you'll see how effective they can be.