I watched Stormin' Norman on teevee this morning, looking hip and slick in the very same outfit the republicans giggled at Kucinich for wearing just a couple of weeks ago. When asked whether this would mean the end of fighting in Iraq, he actually said he believes that now the Baathists and the Iraqis in general would now lay down their arms because they see there is no point in fighting any longer.
HUH? Do they believe this, or do they just expect Wal Mart will accept it unquestioned?
Imagine this scenerio...someone invades the US and takes out Bush. Granted, we hate him, he is a murderer, a despot, a criminal. But would lay down your arms and stop fighting for your country, or would you dig in even harder to protect your homeland from the invaders.
They call themselves strategists. Delusionists is more like it!