Dec 15, 2003
Tolerance Exhibit Defaced In Park
ST. PETERSBURG - An exhibit that has toured the world with messages of peace and understanding was slashed and defaced Sunday, a day after it was unveiled in a St. Petersburg park. Police call the destruction a hate crime.
The exhibit, titled ``Coexistence,'' shows visitors 39 large panels reproducing original works of art that urge tolerance between people of different ethnic, cultural and religious backgrounds. Each work is 16 feet wide and 10 feet high.
The panels, displayed at South Straub Park, were to stay there until Jan. 25, when the exhibit was to travel to Sarasota.
The exhibit has toured cities including Berlin, Sarajevo in Bosnia- Herzegovina, and Cape Town, South Africa. In the United States, scheduled destinations include Boston, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington and New York.
St. Petersburg was the exhibition's second U.S. stop, after Miami, according to the exhibition's Web site. Goldman said that starting today, school groups will visit the exhibit.
There was no security at the exhibit, he said, because there had been no problems reported since the exhibit began touring the world in 2001.