Who likes the capture: the American people, the White House, Tom DeFrank's sources, and Democrats who think this will hurt Howard Dean.
Which major-party presidential candidates did the best job yesterday of understanding that at such times the American people want leaders who appear to be putting country ahead of politics: the two frontrunners.How much pressure were America's political reporters under yesterday to come up with big-picture, "what does it all mean?" analysis: mucho monumental and intense pressure.
Did anyone come up with anything beyond "good for the president, (maybe) bad for Dean" analysis: not really.
Is The Note going to do any better: no.
Do we agree with everyone else's analysis: sure, but we are more about facts on the ground, and we think the potential damage to Dean is overstated, especially because he put out such an uncharacteristically gracious statement about the president yesterday.http://abcnews.go.com/sections/politics/TheNote/TheNote.html