Here's the one argument that a Dem can trump over any capture, victories or successes this Administration has.
"Bush does not represent you. I will.
He represents the people who need an additional $50,000 for their stock portfolio, not the people who need an additional $500 for their food or medicine.
He represents the corporations who want an additional $.23 in their stock, not the workers who lost their job so the company's earnings look better.
He represents the energy companies that need corporate welfare, not the unemployed veteran with untreated diabetes.
He represents the drug companies' need for money now, not the 75-year old retired teacher who is thinking about getting back in the classroom becuase she doesn't get her help until 2006.
He represents the people that say yes to him, not the patriot in this country whose spouse gets outed to discredit their "there is no WMD" claims.
He represents the power that will see his re-election as a validation to invade any country for their gain, not the memory of those who lost life and limb for their country while never seeing a dime from the "re-construction".
He represents the people that think the definition of superpower means to destroy any country, entity or person "not with us", not the people who think the real definition of superpower is to transform people and countries not with weapons, but with intellect, inclusion and integrity.
This President does not look out for you - I will."