Edited on Tue Dec-16-03 08:51 AM by Skinner
This guy writes a column in Memphis. He's quite the right wing loud mouth. This capture couldn't have come at a better time for skippy. Just as ratings were falling, Just as the Dem voices were beginning to be listened to. People like this guy are going to make our message three times harder to get out.
Perceptions of The Intellectually Challenged Commentary by Hanther
Hanther is the Memphis-area author of Tandra, "The World's Greatest Picture Book" (www.tantra.com) and highly opinionated middle-aged white guy. We Got Him
I turned on the radio this morning upon crawling out of bed and heard the United States Military had taken Iraqi bad man Saddam Hussein into custody. Turning on the radio to get the latest news is something I do most Sundays cos the radio is where I pick up my inspiration for the weekly commentary and, as is my routine, I then write whatever I decide to send off to my boss. Mostly I have some idea what I will write about. Sometimes I am ahead of the gun and have the commentary already written. I check the radio for a news update in any case just to make certain my already completed commentary has not been made obsolete and laughable by late developments.
Today was one of those days I had a subject at hand. The inconvenient capture of Saddam meant I had to revise my intentions and write about the capture in place of my previously chosen topic.
The taking of Saddam is apparently also a major inconvenience for certain self announced Democratic Presidential wannabes. I can understand their frustration. The farm team Democrats were self assured they had a major campaign issue to use against George W. Bush in the next Presidential election as they could blame him for the terrible economic condition the country was said to be experiencing. Then, to the great dismay of the Democrats, the economy gave evidence of an embryonic recovery that could be full blown by election day next year. It was clearly fall back and regroup time.