I awoke early Sunday to the reports of the Saddam capture. Curious, I moved on to watching the television coverage. For whatever reason, I left on an analyst who happened to be on FNC - which I rarely if ever leave on for more than a few seconds.
Cut to Brit Hume. Apparently he was unsatisfied with their major PR coup of the day (week? month? year? face it - feel however you do about the war and the administration, this is nothing but good for them).
So Brit goes on to suggest that the most nervous people were countries who opposed the war, including Russia and France, but "particularly the French."
Why? Because Saddam might well out them as major Iraqi allies and embarrass them before the whole world.
What?! Are you f*&%ing kidding me?! Yes, right after he points out the well-hidden nukes set for Washington, New York Chicago and LA, Saddam's going to point out that the Republican Guard's insistance of pate over hummus is because they are all French.
Gimme a break.