What happened to freedom of expression? A thread has been locked because it questions whether George Bush is as dangerous as Saddam? That's a legitimate topic. The US killed more civilians in Iraq than Al Qaeda killed in the US. Saddam, evil as he was, never killed any American civilians. There is certainly room for discussion. Jester's post:
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=104&topic_id=912376For those who are not sure... here on the home front, homegrown 'terrorists' have license to kill millions of people a year. The environmental abuses alone make the argument valid. So does the war on women's reproductive rights. So does the limitation on AIDS assistance, which does not allow countries to advocate condom use. I won't mention the tobacco or gun lobbies that run the place. Check it out. Get your own terror permit here:
http://www.tvnewslies.org/html/terrorpermit.htmThis should be an open forum - so long as posts are civil and coherent.
Just a thought - about the meaning of "demcratic" underground !