Much has already been said about the divisiveness in General Discussion regarding the candidates. I undertook a small research project in order to see what positive things have been said by one candidate’s supporter about another candidate.
Here’s the criteria I used:
-I didn’t look in the ‘Daily Democrat’ threads.
-I didn’t choose posts that praised one candidate as a backhanded way of denigrating another candidate.
-I chose posts in which there was an indication that the poster was definitely hitched to one candidate, e.g., avatars, sig line quotes, candidate banners, and so on.
I chose 3 candidates: Clark, Dean, Kerry. I made a full-mesh, finding good things said about these candidates by supporters of each of the other candidates. I could’ve picked more candidates, but these are the 3 who seem to be mentioned the most and argued over the most (with the possible exception of DK…and he’s better than all of our candidates combined, and yes, I’m being serious, but no, he won’t get the nomination). Anyway, I really had to slog through hundreds upon hundreds of negative posts in order to come up with a few positive ones. Some iterations of this exercise were more elusive than others, but I eventually came up with the full-mesh I was after. I'm sure that not all of these posters are saints. I know I'm not. And in looking for these posts, I saw attacks by some of these folks on other candidates. No matter, I wanted to accentuate the good things they've said about the others. I thank them all for their unwitting participation in my little study.
A few more notes. I’m not advocating for people to give up their candidates, or to only say nice things about others’ candidates, I’m just extending a plea that we quit saying the stuff that’s impossible to take back at a later date. Someone is going to win the Democratic nomination, just one person. The supporters of the other candidates will need to find a way to rally around that candidate (this is a generalization…I know that some won’t support a given candidate under any circumstances, but this is a minority). Why not make it easier on yourself to get to the point where you can rally around Clark, Kerry, Dean, Gephardt, etc, etc?
When you get in an argument with your spouse or partner, do you say the most damaging things you can think of? Do you ‘play to win’ in an argument with your spouse or partner? Or do you try to find common ground? Do you hold back some of the cutting comments you could make because you want to get along with that person later and stay together? That’s all I’m asking for. Think about it, huh?
PS: Rush, I think my mom can score some hydrocodone for you if the price is right. PM me. J
Here’s what I found. Thanks for listening.
Clark supporter being gracious toward Howard Dean: (748 posts) Mon Dec-15-03 11:43 AM
4. Dean always had economic positions worth considering. He emphasised the war because that was his strong suit, especially during a primary like this one. However, there is nothing wrong with his domestic agenda with the exception of the tax thing and that is only a "sound bite" problem.
Clark supporter being gracious toward Kerry: (1000+ posts) Sun Dec-14-03 09:30 PM
4. Kerry, you rock. This is a great statement. Brief and to the point, and conveys his message, which I think has been consistent all along.
Dean supporter being gracious toward Clark: (1000+ posts) Sun Dec-14-03 06:06 PM
35. She was such a whore today and Clark handled her well. Seeing her stammer was just pathetic. What a loser...
Dean supporter being gracious toward Kerry: (1000+ posts) Mon Dec-15-03 12:48 PM
150. you don't have to be against someone if you're not for them… I support Dean, but Clark and Kerry are my number 2 and 3. It doesn't mean I'm against Clark or Kerry. I think Clark or Kerry would be great candidates and probably win in the general, just like Dean.
Opinion polls are based on first choice, and just because someone isn't your first choice, doesn't mean you're against them.
Kerry supporter being gracious toward Dean: (748 posts) Wed Dec-10-03 01:16 AM
3. I like Kerry very much and think he could carry the South, but if Dean gets the nomination, I will support him. Kerry is more liberal than Dean in some ways and that is important to me. I have concern that Dean is not liberal enough, but at the same time he is not running on corporate swill.
Kerry supporter being gracious toward Clark: (1000+ posts) Wed Dec-10-03 07:12 PM
31. (Regarding Wes Clark and what good things he has done) Improved the lives of 500,000 soldiers and their families. By supporting day care, education, better health care, affirmative action, and all the things Democrats care about; or used to anyway. And he actually had to implement these programs and make sure they worked on his bases, which is actually more than any other candidate has had to do. Clark is good, I could support him 100% in the GE.