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Another "legal brief" for a memo nobody cares about

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Loonman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:44 PM
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Another "legal brief" for a memo nobody cares about
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 03:45 PM by Loonman

Brought to you from scabrous, STD, infected skank, Diotima.


December 15, 2003

CONTACT: Joe Giganti,Veritas Media 540-735-8050


(Washington, D.C.) The Free Republic Network announced today that it has filed a complaint with the Senate Select Committee on Ethics alleging improper and unethical conduct by Senator Jay Rockefeller and Democrat members of the staff of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

The complaint alleges that a memo drafted by committee staff and provided to Democrat members of the Committee, and subsequently leaked to Fox News, documents efforts by Democrat committee members to abuse their positions on the historically non-partisan Intelligence Committee to obtain privileged intelligence information and misuse it to help elect the 2004 Democrat Presidential nominee.

The Senate Ethics complaint states:

The contents of this memo are frightening and disturbing. The actions contemplated by it, besides the obvious legal and ethical considerations, have created mistrust among SSCI members, within the Intelligence agencies responsible for our nation's security, and among the American people to whom they are responsible.

The Chairman of the SSCI has threatened to shut the committee down or to significantly limit its activities. As the ability of Executive branch intelligence agencies to confidently share information and adequately advise the SSCI on matters of critical national importance has been compromised, our country has been put in a clear and present danger of grievous harm. Ultimately, the war on terror is at risk.

The complaint specifically requests the Ethics Committee to address three specific questions:

Whether Senator Rockefeller, Democrat staffers, or Democrat Senate members of the SSCI used, or conspired to use, the resources of the SSCI to engage in political activities in violation of the Senate Rules of Ethics;Whether Senator Rockefeller, Democrat staffers, or Democrat Senate members of the SSCI impermissibly used official resources to engage in what is effectively campaign work;
Whether Senator Rockefeller, Democrat staffers, or Democrat Senate members of the SSCI violated Rule 9.6 of the SSCI by impermissibly disclosing, or conspiring to disclose, the contents of any papers or materials or other information received by the Committee, mandating referral to the Select Committee on Ethics pursuant to Section 8 of S. Res. 400.

The Free Republic Network ( has created a website at to document the progress of the scandal referred to as "Memogate". --30--

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Mountainman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-15-03 03:50 PM
Response to Original message
1. Man those freepers are full of themselves!
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 03:51 PM by Mountainman
In their eyes they are important but in the country's eyes freepers are like flies hanging around a manure pile trying to make something out of nothing.

Freepers when you guys going to get a life? Nobody cares about your stuff but you! Get it?
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