Can we get back to Dimes for Democracy?
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Mon Dec-15-03 05:05 PM
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Can we get back to Dimes for Democracy? |
Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 05:13 PM by BOSSHOG
I had a great idea this weekend which was overcome by an old man in a hole. Let us all throw our FDR dimes in a jug/bucket/whatever starting right now; wrap them and make into paper money and send to our democratic candidate when we get one. Let us show republicans that FDR is still well and powerful. I envision millions.
On an ancillary note: If fascists want to put reagans mug on the dime (thus taking FDR off) they should insist that there fascist reps in congress open up all documents relative to IRAN-CONTRA to public scrutiny; just so we don't make a mistake and put a baby killer on a coin.
On a parallel ancillary note: Lets insist our congressional reps open up those IRAN-CONTRA documents so we can RENAME THAT CARRIER. Don't want an American Warship named after a baby killer now do we?
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