Yeah, pretty much every household in Iraq had a gun....
"Also, if Saddam could get away with everything he did and with all the guns in the hands of gunowners, and they still were unable to do anything about it, how difficult would it be for the same thing to happen here in America?" Hell, the NRA and their like helped put this unelected drunk in the office he didn't win....and they can hardly wait for their fuehrer to tell them it's all right to shoot liberals....
You will notice for all the screaming by gun fetishists about how much they love freedom, it's all lip service...
South Carolina is lousy with right wing gun loving screwlooses always bellowing about how much they supposedly love freedom, but when the students at Stratford High School there were terrorized in a drug raid they didn't make even a faint peep. The students are suing, and again, there's no support fron the blowhards waving their guns and boasting about their love of freedom.... Who IS supporting this lawsuit? Why, anti-gun Jesse Jackson. Go figure.
Texas, too is thick with gun totin' blockheads who love them that freedom. Which state was arguing in the Supreme Court last week that it had the right to let prosecutors and witnesses lie in court during capital murder trials, and that it was the responsibility of the defense to uncover the lie? If you said Texas, you'd be right. And what did the Texas freedom-loving gun nuts say about that? Not a thing...they were too busy fretting somebody might keep them from buying assault weapons.