There's a lot of stuff we can throw around here...since there has been a shift in the "middle-ground" since 2000...in both directions.
RoveCo. has benefited from 9/11 with those Dennis Miller "I was once a liberal" types (who never were)...that were the ones that gave * that huge (90+) approval ratings (sorry folks can't forget how high those numbers got...I was in the 10% then and proud of it). These are the "Nascar Dads" "Raygun Democrats"...whathaveyou...men 35-54 or so...who swung heavy to the GOOP and are the party's big base now. These guys came out in 2002...especially in the South...are there enough of them to give * a real win this time? RoveCo. thinks so.
Fiscal "Conservatives"...are the other group that went with * in 2000, but if you read what is posted here (be careful on that kids), they're in outright revolt with the free spending defecit goons in this regime. Well, sorta kinda...Yep, they hate those defecits, but they love those tax cuts, changes in capital gains, inheritance and so on. They're making money with this dude, and don't you forget it. Albeit, not as much as they did in the late 90's, but with portfolios again clicking at 8-10% or higher, the bitches are more words than actions. These people, at best, may stay home next year...but may also look at another round of promised tax cuts or breaks too tempting next year...and be assured that'll be in the GOOP "bribe list".
So whose been lost? The military? That segment was overwhelming lied to and preyed on by the GOOP and the game goes on. Democrat attacks on the war have really galvanized these people who feel those attacks are on their way of life. Sadly, we're gonna need more "tubes" to come home, before this segment starts to question things...and again...hopefully stay home.
And these are people who will be voting against us, not for us.
The hope is this regime continues to get stuck in lies and messes and the sleeze factor starts to take hold (as it did with Nixon). Democrats can only suceede if we energize our traditional bases...the working classes...who have lost so much under this regime and stand to loose so much more with another 4 years. These people have to be reached and enlightened.
Democrats rarely win with Repugnicans...they do when Democrats come out to vote and support other Democrats. We did it for Clinton, didn't for Gore. Whomever the nominee is, I'll be 1000%...and I can't wait for that to start, but the groundwork needs to be laid now...to define not just the issues, but to start reaching out to the people who most relate to that message.