Edited on Mon Dec-15-03 10:57 PM by stopbush
That's what I thought today as I watched the idiotic Judy Woodruff in action on "Inside Politics." The subject was - again - "Can Any Dem Beat Bush?"
Had I been on that show, I would have said, "Judy, the fact that you in the media are asking such a question just goes to show how out of touch you are with the on-the-ground realities being faced each and every day by average Americans.
"No, Judy, I think most Americans are happy that Saddam has been deposed because we don't like dictators of ANY stripe, anywhere. Hussein is this year's Noriega - another small-time dictator who was hyped by an earlier Republican administration into some kind of all-powerful, Hitleresque boogeyman. He, like Saddam, never did live up to his reviews.
"Judy, I'll be happy to answer any serious questions you may have, but the one you just asked me is sort of laughable, to tell the truth."