At Temple Emeth, Rabbi Richard Yellin introduced Clark as a "proven friend of Israel and a true champion of the American way of life and democracy."
But not everyone in the audience was a Clark fan. One elderly man walked toward the stage shouting a question, demanding that Clark speak to disagreements he had with fellow generals that led to his removal as NATO commander. Clark tried to answer but before he could, sheriff's deputies providing security for the synagogue hustled the man out of the building before releasing him. Clark's spokesman said the campaign had nothing to do with the man's removal.
This is Clark's third trip to Florida and much of that time has been spent with Jewish voters. Clark, who is Catholic, told the crowd that he learned later in life that his father, who died when Clark was 4, was Jewish. Many in the crowd applauded when he told them that his father's family was from Minsk, a city in what is now Belarus.
Clark then proceeded to hit all the right buttons with his largely liberal audience. He told them he is pro-choice, pro-Israel and will improve prescription drug benefits, increase the availability of health care and reduce the nation's debt. He said he is "a complete believer in stem-cell research."
Im glad he is a friend of israel, that should let him adjust right into the status quo of the current administration should he get the nomination.