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The so-called capture of SH

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fshrink Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-16-03 06:40 AM
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The so-called capture of SH
has no strategic or tactic weight whatsoever with regards to the situation in Iraq. It is a media coup, probably orchestrated long in advance, akin to a small trump card played in a fixed, and boring, bridge game. It however demonstrates, again, one single thing: the appalling control of the power over the information and, therefore, over the way people think and, eventually, behave. It is another anecdotal manifestation of the general movement which takes everyone away from its life and towards its representation. This is the real, albeit underlying, meaning of the gloating and of the cheering: the machine works. The show reigns and can therefore go on.
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