Additionally, Clark shares Deans position on this issue does he not?
Since you didn't like the website, :eyes: here is another list, not fully updated.
(Partial Listing)
International Union of Painters
Service Employees International Union (SEIU)
Congressman Raul Grijalva (D-AZ)
Congressman Bob Filner (D-CA)
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA)
State Assemblyman John Longville (D-CA)
Ex-Governor Lowell Weicker (I-CT)
City Council Chair Pro Tempore Jack Evans (D-DC)
Broward County Comm. Sue Gunzburger (D-FL)
Congressman Neil Abercrombie (D-HI)
Ex-Governor Cecil Andrus (D-ID)
2002 Governor Nominee Jerry Brady (D-ID)
Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL)
State Rep. Polly Butka (D-IA)
Ex-State House Minority Leader Dick Myers (D-IA)
Ex-State Dem. Chair Sheila McGuire Riggs (D-IA)
State Rep. Cindy Winckler (D-IA)
State Del. Curt Anderson (D-MD)
State Del. Elizabeth Bobo (D-MD)
State Del. Bill Bronrott (D-MD)
State Del. Kathleen Dumais (D-MD)
State Del. Brian Feldman (D-MD)
State Del. Peter Franchot (D-MD)
State Sen. Brian Frosh (D-MD)
State Sen. John Giannetti (D-MD)
State Del. Marilyn Goldwater (D-MD)
State Del. Ana Sol Gutierrez (D-MD)
State Del. Mary Dulany James (D-MD)
State Del. Ed Kasemeyer (D-MD)
State Del. Susan Lee (D-MD)
State Del. Rich Madaleno (D-MD)
State Del. Karen Montgomery (D-MD)
State Del. Salima Marriot (D-MD)
State Del. Gareth Murray (D-MD)
State Del. Doyle Niemann (D-MD)
State Del. Obie Patterson (D-MD)
State Del. Victor Ramirez (D-MD)
State Del. Justin Ross (D-MD)
Ex-Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke (D-MD)
Ex-Democratic National Chair Steve Grossman (D-MA)
State Rep. Pat Jehlen (D-MA)
State Rep. Jay Kaufman (D-MA)
State Rep. Charles Murphy (D-MA)
State Rep. Frank Smizik (D-MA)
State Rep. Bill Straus (D-MA)
State Rep. Andy Meisner (D-MI)
Minneapolis Mayor R.T. Rybak (D-MN)
State Rep. Peter Allen (D-NH)
Keene Mayor Mike Blastos (D-NH)
State Rep. Ruth Bleyler (D-NH)
State Rep. Candace Bouchard (D-NH)
State Labor Commissioner Jim Casey (D-NH)
State Rep. Ned Densmore (D-NH)
State Rep. Estelle Diamond (D-NH)
Ex-State Party Chair Romeo Dorval (D-NH)
State Rep. Tim Dunn (D-NH)
State Rep. Peter Espiefs (D-NH)
Ex-USMC Commandant Joseph Hoar (D-NH)
Ex-State Senate President Ralph Hough (D-NH)
State Rep. Claudette Jean (D-NH)
State Rep. Lionel Johnson (D-NH)
State Rep. Nancy Johnson (D-NH)
State Rep. Jane Kelley (R-NH)
Ex-State Dem. Chair Mike King (D-NH)
State Rep. David Meader (D-NH)
State Rep. Joseph Miller (D-NH)
State Rep. McKim Mitchell (D-NH)
State Rep. Jessie Osborne (D-NH)
State Rep. Jay Phinizy (D-NH)
State Rep. Fran Potter (D-NH)
State Rep. John Pratt (D-NH)
State Rep. Barbara Richardson(D-NH)
State Rep. Tim Robertson (D-NH)
State Rep. Gloria Seldin (D-NH)
State Rep. Betsy Shultis (D-NH)
State Rep. Claire Snyder (D-NH)
State Rep. Hilda Sokol (D-NH)
State Rep. Mary Stuart-Gile (D-NH)
State Rep. Anna Tilton (D-NH)
State Rep. Mary Jane Wallner (D-NH)
State Rep. Amy Webber (D-NH)
Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ)
State Assemblyman Jonathan Bing (D-NY)
State Sen. Tom Duane (D-NY)
State Assemblyman Dick Gottfried (D-NY)
Congressman Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
Ex-State Party Chair Judith Hope (D-NY)
Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-NY)
Congressman Major Owens (D-NY)
Ex-US Senator Howard Metzenbaum (D-OH)
Congressman Tim Ryan (D-OH)
Ex-Governor David Walters (D-OK)
Secretary of State Bill Bradbury (D-OR)
Ex-Governor Barbara Roberts (D-OR)
Congressman David Wu (D-OR)
State Rep. Brenda Lee (D-SC)
State Rep. David Mack (D-SC)
Ex-Governor John West (D-SC)
State Rep. Seth Whipper (D-SC)
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX)
Ex-Lt. Governor Don Beyer (D-VA)
Ex-Congresswoman Leslie Byrne (D-VA)
Burlington Mayor Peter Clavelle (Progressive-VT)
State Sen. Jim Condos (D-VT)
State Rep. Howard Cross (D-VT)
State Rep. Martha Heath (D-VT)
Ex-Governor Phil Hoff (D-VT)
US Senator Jim Jeffords (I-VT)
Ex-Governor Madeleine Kunin (D-VT)
US Senator Pat Leahy (D-VT)
State Sen. James Leddy (D-VT)
State Rep. William Lippert (D-VT)
Ex-Governor Tom Salmon (D-VT)
State Rep. John Tracy (D-VT)
State Senate President Peter Welch (D-VT)
State Dem. Chair Paul Berendt (D-WA)
Ex-Governor Booth Gardner (D-WA)
Ex-State Dem. Chair Karen Marchioro (D-WA)
Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA)
State Sen. Jon Erpenbach (D-WI)
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President Al Gore. :hi: