You are losing sight of the goal. Let the politicians do what they have to do to get elected. That is their job. Our job is to show the truth about Bush and his minions, which anyone with an ounce of brains knows is not a very pretty picture. It appears to me that many of you have forgot who the enemy is here. It ain't them nine guys tryng to send monkey face packing back to his pig farm in Waco. They are all each playing their part in their own way to accomplish that goal. I don't buy all the "he said this", "but he said that", stuff. Sorry. Its smoke and mirrors to keep a moving target as long as possible so Rove can't figure out who to focus on. It is smart politics too because there ain't nothing they can do to defend against it. Don't lose no sleep over any of the candidates yet. Get some rest for the big show. You will need it.