Mynah sez:
The GOP have been guilty of something we Americans are prone to do: Gloating.
To the World and Iraq: "See we told you so! We told you we were going to get um". And while we did capture the Saddam bad guy as we should have, and claim satisfaction for succeeding, there is no need for gloating. The game is not over yet. Our boys are there in case we haven't noticed. The Insurgents must be pissed. In the Pubs mind, "we got um" They gonna let up now" etc etc".
We don;t know that for sure , do we?
But we can suspect there is FACE involved. WE (ARE) the Infidels who are on their Land killing their people and sucking their Oil while we laugh in their faces. For our sake and the sake of the world, let us hope the HOLY WAR subsides. I think its still open to debate.
The Democratic Candidates: Never have this Nation witnessed the level of Gloating from the Pubs. The FOX Channel has its crew laughing at the DEMs. LAUGHING and teasing, "I pity those guys" sez one crank. They seem to forget Humbleness, humility, and compassion. What they forget most is the pendulum. Soon, it be the Dems turn to gloat too.
And if we don't, then its all over. Total PUBs.... 1984 is......