Edited on Tue Dec-16-03 01:44 PM by WiseMen
I have gotten this question from friends still devastated by Gore's early endorsement of Governor Dean. Hear is my answer:
Saddam’s capture probably reduces Howard Dean overwhelming odds in the primary and his chances in the General. But, it is in Gore’s interest to be with Dean ALL THE WAY. Dean’s dominance among the activist community, the media and the polls makes it critically necessary for Al Gore, for his own interest, to support him. Clinton was already moving to support Clark. The train was leaving the station.
Gore is also a very smart guy. He probably believes he would make a far better President than Dean, but he is not running. Gore got on the Dean train and is riding it to Victory, one way or the other.
Whatever happens in the 04 campaign, Al Gore wants to play a major role in the Democratic Party and there is no better strategy than to support Dean and help him build-up from the grass-roots a new and invigorated Party. Whatever happens, this is a win-win proposition for Gore:
ON THE ONE HAND, if Dean WINS against Bush, he will be so indebted to Gore that Gore (not Clinton) effectively becomes the party leader and will be able to use the grass-roots movement to help propel the new Liberal Media Empire that he is trying to build to oppose the right-wing Fox/Clear Channel dominance of talk news today.
ON THE OTHER HAND, if Dean LOOSES against Bush, he will have been discredited because all his flaws will have been exposed during the campaign. Gore would then inherit the grass-roots movement and the Internet money machine to fuel his 2008 campaign.
Bush’s capture of Saddam, probably increases the probability of option 2. BUT, THAT IS FINE WITH GORE.
Regardless of his motives, Al Gore has a great record of service to the nation in the Senate and as Vice President. I think we need to show due respect to Gore and recognize that any Nominee other than Dean will want his strong support during the general election.
The Gephart, Lieberman and Kerry campaigns must acknowledge that they did not court Gore in the aggressive way that Dean supporters did. If you snooze you loose! These other campaigns also held-off from aggressively countering Dean’s “Bush-Lite” “Washington Establishment” and “Cockroaches” attacks until is was too late.
Al Gore had said that he would endorse a candidate and Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi was smart enough to go after Gore’s endorsement.
Trippi had to get someone like Gore on board to buttress his new campaign strategy of positioning Dean as the future of the Party and denouncing any attack on Dean as an attack on all Democrats. And he did whatever it took to do this. DEAN WOULD HAVE TO BE TOTALLY DESTROYED FOR GORE TO SWITCH.
It is now time for the other candidates to do whatever they can to counter this brilliant move and justify their candidacy. REMEMBER, BILL CLINTON HAS NOT YET ENDORSED.