Dean at House of Blues event report…
We drove up from San Diego to West Hollywood to attend the House of Blues event. Unfortunately, after getting stuck in LA traffic for three hours, we missed the Bangles who opened the show. We arrived just in time to see the Folksmen. The place was packed, wall to wall, standing room only.
For those who do not know, and may recognize the picture of lead singer as that guy from Spinal Tap…
The Folksmen are a group that was created for the movie A Mighty Wind. Which by the way is a very funny movie. They did a couple of numbers and it was a blast.
Rob Riener was the MC for the evening and after the Folksmen he introduced Howard Dean to thunderous applause. Dean spoke for about 30 minutes. First he said that the fact we captured Saddam was great, but he stands by his position that the war in Iraq was wrong and without justification.
He talked about the fact that Bush won’t allow the nations that wouldn’t support the war to have any access to the no bid contracts. First he pointed out that it was just foolish to further alienate these allies who we need to send troops to Iraq so our boys can come home, then he pointed out how it was stupid to alienate these nations which Iraq owes significant debts. Because if Iraq is to survive as a democracy, these debts will have to be forgiven by these nations and one of the best ways to make that happen is the allow them to get rebuilding contracts in Iraq.
Then Dean asked if anybody knew the real reason these other nations were blocked from the contracting process. Someone in the audience yelled out Halliburton. Dean said, yep he’s got it, and leaned down into the crowd with the mic and asked the person to repeat it so everybody could hear. When the person said Halliburton again the crowd just exploded in applause, it was clear they were very happy to see Dean focusing on this.
Dean then explained about the fact Cheney was CEO of, and is still getting money from, Halliburton while the get massive no-bid contracts. Because, “This is the president of the corporations, by the corporations, and for the corporations!”
There were a lot of teachers in the crowd… so Dean talked about no child left behind, and how he was disappointed so many dems voted for it. He spoke about how we can not beat Bush by voting for the Iraqi war because we’re afraid of being called unpatriotic, or by voting for some of Bush’s tax cuts, or by voting for no child left behind.
Then Dean asked, “Do you know how we’re going to Beat Bush?” And someone yelled out “KICK HIS ASS!” Dean laughed and responded to the guy by saying he’d like to say that but it wouldn’t be very politic to say that with NBC’s cameras right here, and he pointed out the NBC camera man in the front of the crowd. Dean wrapped up by saying that we will stop apologizing for being democrats, we’ll focus on the base, and we will show those people who do not vote because they think there is no difference between the democratic and republican parties, that we do stand for something and we’ll get them to the polls. Dean brought the house down with his close and it was great.
Then Big Bad Voodoo Daddies were up, and the whole band had on Dean buttons… and they started with the song “Go Daddy’O” but changed it to “Go Howard Dean!” It was a lot of fun.