White House 2004: General Election CBS News/New York Times Poll. Dec. 14-15, 2003. "If George W. Bush runs for reelection in 2004, do you think you will probably vote for George W. Bush or probably vote for the Democratic candidate?" Bush Democrat Can'tSayUntilChosen Won'tVote Don'tKnow % % % % % 12/14-15/03 44 40 8 1 7 12/10-13/03 42 41 11 2 4 11/10-13/03 41 43 12 1 3 10/20-21/03 46 34 16 0 4 9/28 - 10/1/03 44 44 7 1 4
NBC News/Wall Street Journal Poll Dec. 14, 2003."If President Bush runs for reelection in 2004, do you think you will probably vote for President Bush or probably vote for the Democratic candidate?" Bush Democrat AnotherParty'sCandidate Depends NotSure % % % % % 12/14/03 44 33 1 9 12 12/13/03 46 40 1 6 7 11/03 43 40 2 8 8 9/03 42 40 2 9 7 "If the next election for president were held today, and George W. Bush were running as the Republican candidate and were the Democratic candidate, for whom would you vote?" GeorgeWBush HowardDean Depends Neither NotSure % % % % % 12/14/03 52 31 3 4 10 12/13/03 51 39 1 4 5 11/03 50 35 2 6 8 GeorgeWBush WesleyClark Depends Neither NotSure % % % % % 12/14/03 53 28 2 4 13 12/13/03 50 34 2 4 10 11/03 49 37 2 5 7 Newsweek Poll conducted by Princeton Survey Research Associates. Dec. 11-12, 2003."Suppose the next general election for president were being held TODAY and you had to choose between George W. Bush, the Republican, and , the Democrat -- who would you vote for?" If "Other" or "Undecided": "As of TODAY, do you LEAN more toward Bush, the Republican, or , the Democrat?" Names rotated GeorgeBush HowardDean Other/Undecided % % % 12/11-12/03 49 42 9 11/6-7/03 49 45 6 10/23-24/03 49 43 8 GeorgeBush WesleyClark Other/Undecided % % % 12/11-12/03 49 43 8 11/6-7/03 48 45 7 10/23-24/03 49 43 8 . GeorgeBush JohnKerry Other/Undecided % % % 12/11-12/03 51 41 8 11/6-7/03 49 45 6 10/23-24/03 50 42 8 GeorgeBush JohnEdwards Other/undecided % % % 12/11-12/03 51 40 9 7/10-11/03 51 39 10 . "In general, would you like to see George W. Bush reelected to another term as president, or not?" Yes No Don'tKnow % % % 12/11-12/03 45 50 5 11/6-7/03 44 50 6 10/30-31/03 45 46 9 10/23-24/03 46 47 7