I'm going to be a legal observer for the NLG!!
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Wed Dec-17-03 10:58 AM
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I'm going to be a legal observer for the NLG!! |
I'm seriously considering going to law school next fall and I went to a de-briefing on the FTAA protests in Miami last night. There was someone from the National Lawyers Guild and I talked to him about my desire to go to law school (DC has one of the best public service law schools in the country.) He went to UDC, and told me I need to go and that you dont need a degree or be a student to be a legal observer. They do trainings about a month before a big event (the next big one in the IMF/World Bank). So I'm gonna go!!!
This is going to Rule!!!!!
I'm going to get kick ass recommendations from my attorneys (im a secretary in a law office right now), ill get volunteer work with NLG and im going to rock my LSATs when i take them. Watch out judicial system!! I'm going to kick your butt!
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Wed Dec-17-03 11:00 AM
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1. Another one of those "evil liberal TRIAL Lawyers" coming. Great |
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Wed Dec-17-03 11:02 AM
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Wed Dec-17-03 11:01 AM
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Hey that's great! Lawyer jokes not withstanding you can do a lot of good in this world as a lawyer with the right kind of politics.
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Wed Dec-17-03 11:04 AM
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they play an important role. you will also get some good experience and get more of an insiders view of how protesters get treated. :hi: :toast:
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Wed Dec-17-03 11:14 AM
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5. Good luck and Thank you |
Edited on Wed Dec-17-03 11:15 AM by corporatewhore
from the bottom of my heart!!!I was at miami FTAA protests and it was really nice to have the NLG there (be warned some cops dispence beatings/sprayings etc on peacful protesters press (even corporate ) and legal observers)I think at times the NLG sticks up for protesters at mass mobilizations for than the ACLU at times Good job once again I have tremendous respect for the NG
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Wed Dec-17-03 12:19 PM
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plus you get one of those snazzy orange vests and hats.:-)
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:46 AM
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