Haha! C-Span Caller made a good point about Bush hiding.
Catherine Vincent
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:16 PM
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Haha! C-Span Caller made a good point about Bush hiding. |
A C-Span caller said that she doesn't know why Bush is making a big deal about Saddam hiding in a hole. She pointed out that Bush and Cheney were hiding in holes during the 9/11 attacks.
Just thought that was funny.
Ganja Ninja
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:22 PM
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1. That's what I thought when I heard Bush... |
mocking Sadam for running and hiding in a hole. He was "only trying to get out of harms way". The asshole is a real piece of work. He realy believes he's some kind of hero.
citizen snips
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:27 PM
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That caller made a good point I hope Bush was watching.
citizen snips
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:27 PM
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That caller made a good point I hope Bush was watching.
citizen snips
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:27 PM
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That caller made a good point I hope Bush was watching.
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:30 PM
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was at a school in Florida.
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:31 PM
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And when he figured out that it wasn't an accident by a really bad pilot he spent the rest of the day flying around and hiding in different bunkers.
Scott Lee
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:31 PM
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6. That was during the attacks. |
As soon as he was made aware of the second one, he was shuffled off to his own spider hole.
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Wed Dec-17-03 04:22 PM
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I bet a damned nice spider hole.
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Wed Dec-17-03 04:43 PM
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10. He spent 09/11 hop-scotching around the country in Air Force One. |
And when he finally did surface on TV a day later he was jumpy and pale as a ghost.
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Wed Dec-17-03 03:49 PM
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Wed Dec-17-03 04:38 PM
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9. We don't call Bush* Bunnypants for nothing |
:shrug: "Who cares what you think" G W Bush*
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 04:21 AM
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