received this in an e-mail, thought I would pass it along to DUers
think we need to go vote on Joe's site since the liberals have had their say, lets add our opinion. Tony C.
From: Joe Oliver
Don't forget to cast your Straw Vote. Should be interesting.
Lot of retired/concurrent receipt folks are miffed at the Pres.
scroll down and look on the left hand menu.
IP/Cookie Restrictions allow you to vote only once
Presidential Elections: Should Bush be Reelected?
We Stand By Him, YES! 39.29 % (11)
Dump Bush! 53.57 % (15)
Not Sure! 3.57 % (1)
We Don't Have A Choice, Who Cares! 3.57 % (1)
Tony C.
Once a Marine... ...Always a Marine OOORAHHH !!!!!
Saepe Expertus Semper Fidelis Fratres Aeterni
"Often Tested" "Always Faithful" "Brothers Forever"
Vietnam Veterans of Florida Inc., State Coalition