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Decidedly Undecided Voters Check In Here

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rucky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 06:02 PM
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Decidedly Undecided Voters Check In Here
Edited on Wed Dec-17-03 06:03 PM by rucky
Here's where I'm at right now:

Dean, Kucinich, Clark, Kerry - in no particular order. I'd be tickled to have any one of them representing the party.

My primary is in May, so my vote may not count for much - or could become a deciding factor. The point is, much is going to happen between now and then. If i lived in Iowa, I'd be sweating right now. But from where I'm standing, undecided is a good place to be.

Clark is my fail-safe candidate - meaning that there's still some question in my mind if he'd make the best president, but I'm most confident about him beating *.

Then there's Kerry, who I have no doubt would make a great president, but I worry about his ability to beat * in the election. Especially enticing to me about him is the Joseph Wilson/Rand Beers intel team he's assembled that's ready to bring down the BFEE. If I start getting a taste of what they're able to do, my doubts about his electibility will disappear.

Dean...oh Dean. The heart attack candidate. I love him & I've been going to meetups since June. But every time he opens his mouth, I whince a little - through no fault of his, really, I just know what's coming from all the critics. IF the Party eventually gets behind him, I believe his candidacy is not only winnable, but would bring some big, much needed reforms to the party.

Then there's DK. Anything I have to say about him is a cliche by now. there's no question that his policies match best with my beliefs. He is THE anti-Bush. Anything can happen, so I won't be ruling him out unless he rules himself out by dropping out. If the outcome of the race is determined (or close between 2 other candidates I like) by the time my primary rolls around - and DK is still in - he's got my vote. And why not? My vote will count as a reminder that there are true progressives in the party, and they deserve to be taken seriously.
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Killarney Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 06:07 PM
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1. Still undecided here, too
Though I think I have it narrowed down to Dean, Clark & Kerry. :)
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A-Schwarzenegger Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 06:10 PM
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2. I'm decidedly decided but
my decision keeps on changing. I wish
ALL NINE could get in one big t-shirt
like Matt Dammon and Craig Kenear and
rule as a nine-head wonder dream team.
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salin Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 06:22 PM
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3. Undecided - and in a late primary state
so frankly - I feel more like an observer. I seriously doubt the exact same conversations will be occuring in May.

Primaries are much more unpredictable than I think many seem to think. I think there is going to be a wild and wooly ride between January and early March.

That there is such stiff competition is a good thing, imo. They are getting a TON of coverage - frankly far more coverage than the pre-primary republicans got (beyond bush) three years ago. I don't know that this would be the case were the race not so interesting.

Ask me again in April - maybe I will have a clue by then. For now - I continue to observe.

Besides - no camp should want me... of five primaries (one being Clinton's re-election, so I don't know that it counts) three times I have NOT been behind the eventual candidate (Hart, Hart/Biden (early in the race... voted symbolically for Jackson (in Ind.) in May - when our primary came around), Tsongas, Clinton, Gore.) In the early running, I don't have a good "predictor" track record... ;-)
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 07:05 PM
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4. I like your reasoning
I'm not quite so sure about Clark being a winner as you are but I'll take your word for it. Other than that I pretty much feel the same as you. I would love for Dennis Kucinich to get the nomination but don't see it happening. I feel this is probably the most important election of my life so will be as involved as possible and will actively work for whomever our candidate turns out to be. I will say up front I hope our candidate is not another war monger.
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welshTerrier2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 07:31 PM
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5. almost dead on ...
i'm not sure whether this is a case of great minds think alike or misery loves company ... either way, your analysis is almost identical to my own ...

almost, but there are a few minor difference ...

i think if i place my heaviest emphasis on foreign policy, especially after seeing his recent speech, i have to give the edge to Kerry ... i can't quite endorse him though because of his hideous IWR vote ...

more than you did, i have to emphasize my concern that Clark may need a little more time to mature as a candidate even though he has many great ideas ... i like him and i support him but there's so much at stake i worry he hasn't been through it before ...

and more than you did, i have real concerns about Dean being "riskier" than the others ... i like Dean and much of what he says but the guy is a born lightening rod ... i'd be happy to support him but i'd rather pick a safer choice ...

and DK ... you just gotta love the guy ... but i just don't believe he can appeal to a broad enough spectrum to win ... if pressed, i'd have to say i would probably vote for either DK or JK if the primary was held today ...

anyway, i'm all over the map with all these guys for all sorts of reasons ... we have great candidates running and i'd be more than happy if any of them got elected ... it's very easy ... bush has got to go ...

one last point ... i don't know about the rest of you undecideds (i prefer the term: unaligned), but i hate the "my candidate's better than yours" crap on DU ... i'm not foolish enough to either endorse or turn against a candidate who is promoted ad nauseum by these partisan whiners ... i'm going to make my decision based on listening to the candidates and weighing their positions on the issues ... all of the DU sniping and "cheerleading ra ra" has no effect on influencing my vote ...
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