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For America

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dave29 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-17-03 07:01 PM
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For America
For America.

You know, anybody can say they are "for America". I think I fall in this category, but many who disagree with my social liberalism and fiscal conservatism would beg to differ. Some might even accuse me of treason, or more calmly, just being a complete idiot. So what does this mean? Who is really "for America"? - and is there some sort of equation we can use to determine who amongst us is the most "for America" there is? And, perhaps unrelatedly, if this equation involves quantum physics, are we doomed?

Unsurprisingly, most presidential candidates claim that they are, in fact, at least fans of America - and more likely tend to absolutely and outrightly be "for America" (if we had to pin them down to a favorite team). They will also tell you they want the best for anybody who happens to live within the confines of America, and tell you how they, more so than anyone else, can make that happen. Usually their plan for America is based on a stellar career that has led them to one or a mixture of the following:

1) a profound soul-searching which led them to a deeper understanding of being an American.
2) some huge success on behalf of some (if not all) Americans.
3) understanding American institutions in a way that is more for America than others' understandings.
4) their vast experience doing the right thing for America.
5) their vast experience learning from the wrong thing America or they themselves accidentally did, which will inevitably result in a better America (for all Americans and their children).
6) gut-instincts.
7) some incredibly intelligent policy they will come up with very soon, but in the meantime trust that it will certainly be the best thing for America
8) their experience fighting for America
9) their experience protesting actions taken by America which they didn't see as very wise for America in the long term.
10) just plain being an American.
11) being cute, sexy, or charismatic.
12) eating apple pie frequently
13) being religious (especially by frequently asking God to bless America).
14) kissing babies (while eating apple pie is a bonus)
15) striving to convince everyone else that some of the other candidates who want you to believe they are for America - are actually for Osama Bin Ladin, and will without a doubt destroy America within moments of inauguration.
16) Doing any of the above, or holding press conferences to discuss some of the finer points - within the proximity of American flags. The more flags, the more for America you must be. Even better if you are in a National Park.

So how now do we determine which candidate is really most for America, and not for Osama Bin Ladin? This is where it gets tricky, since each candidate wants you to believe they are the immaculate American, who will ultimately protect America, strengthen America, and make America the America it should be again for all Americans, and thusly ensuring the American dream for their American children and grandchildren.

Tough Job.

With all of the ideological chasms we face in our country, and the very common ground we all stand on so resoundingly being ignored, no wonder it requires so much cash to get elected. And no wonder we can't seem to unite. I dare posit (with fear of being branded a treasonous raving lunatic), the candidate who does the best job inspiring us to find that common ground - will win.

Who knows, primary season is upon us. May the best candidate win.

In the meantime, I'll pray for America.
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drfemoe Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 03:49 PM
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