We need the cooperation and respect of the rest of the world. We need good jobs. We need affordable universal healthcare. We need voter-verified paper ballots. We need unity. We need clarity. WE need real compassion. We need more presidential sex-lies and fewer presidential war-lies. We need an independent congressional investigation of pre-9/11 intelligence. We need an independent congressional investigation of pre-Iraq invasion intelligence. We need an independent congressional investigation of the administraton's CIA agent's outing. We need an informed and unafraid investigative media. We need to repair the nation's infrastructure. We need to fully fund public education. We need to stop supporting despotic regimes. We need to stop helping crony-capitalists rape the environment and oppress third world populations. We need to stop creating terrorists. We need to value work over wealth. We need to side with the weak over the powerful. We need to respect Mother Earth. We need all these things and a lot more, but most of all, what we DON'T need are a bunch of pill-popping, toe-sucking, slot-machine-playing, Clinton-lie-telling, serial-adulterers telling us how we ought to live our lives!
So there!
Liberal Andy