This thread is a little late because I watched the show last week...and tuned in during the middle of it.
There were a bunch of people on the Scarborough show, and Jared Taylor, a white supremacist, was on. Scarborough seemed to be treating him like a normal guest, even though he was saying some out there things.
I suppose there's a continuum of racism, from what is acceptable to say, to what is unacceptable. So far, I suppose the outer fringe of what has been acceptable has been Pat Buchanan - complain about immigration, affirmative action and so forth but never crossing a certain line. Bringing people like Jared Taylor on and putting them on MSNBC seems to be crossing that line, or rather, an attempt to push the debate to the realm of open racism. I mean, I've seen TV shows where KKK people have been interviewed, but we are usually told "this is a KKK guy" and not just have a guy in a suit treated by the host like he has a normal, acceptable opinion.
I see someone from "La Raza Unidad" was invited on. I'm not as familiar with them as Taylor, so I don't know if they are a normal Hispanic rights group or perhaps an equivalent of the Nation of Islam for Hispanics. If they are racist (which I don't know if they are), then I think they should be treated the same way Taylor should as well.
The transcript is on can see Taylor boasting about his appearance on his web site
http://www.amren.comYou can also see how racist Taylor is on his web site. Taylor is very closely tied to the far-out KKK, Aryan Nations white supremacist movement.
The airwaves of America, and the right-of-way rights for cables to be laid under/over our public streets are borrowed by Microsoft and General Electric. We gave it to them, and we can take it away. I definitely think a line was crossed and NBC and the FCC should be contacted. I don't mind if say Donahue or whoever sits down and interviews a KKK guy, but identify them as such, don't act like it's a guy in a suit with a normal, acceptable opinion. is the e-mail address for MSNBC is the e-mail address for the Scarborough show is for complaints to the FCC
Don't let them push the line of acceptable discourse about race from Buchanan (who is bad enough) to an outright Aryan Nations/KKK ally like Jared Taylor. Make Scarborough thing twice about this. Perhaps you should say you're going to call your local cable provider and ask them to pull MSNBC.
Again, I don't mind him interviewing Jared Taylor, but not identifying him as incredibly racist is outrageous.