There is no greater strategy for Bush's bid for a second term, than to have the duplicitous news media cover Saddam 24/7.
Unfortunately, we are going to see just how much political mileage * and the conservative media moguls will milk from this. My sad prediction is quite a bit. I have a feeling that the administration will drag this out until right before the elections, when, at that time Saddam will be executed.
This is sort of the same strategy that Nixon used in his re-election in 1972. Before the end of his first term, he actually had plans for withdrawing troops, but advisors urged him to prolong them until after the election.
There is no telling how long this news cycle is going to last. This is just my speculation. It could go on as long as the O.J. Simpson coverage. Geraldo just might get another show out of this.
But I do know this. For however long this news cycle lasts, it can't spell anything but major trouble for our candidates.