demoralize us one minute and make us almost hope the next. Prediction: It's going to be like this for awhile. I base this on the way Vietnam was, when you couldn't tell the enemy from the friend.
If we're smart, fellow Democrats, we'll move quietly and consistently toward our goals, to rejuvenate our voting base. There are two things to keep in mind: The economy is going to be uncooperative, as it relates to job creation. The terrorist equation is unknown and will remain unknown. Not even the Republican Party can control THAT.
So, we mustn't become discouraged during these frothy moments when the Bush administration actually finds a straw to cling to. History isn't very kind to straws. Principle, after all, hasn't changed down through the ages: People who get too big for their britches always go down in the end.
Our prayer is that those people will go down before 2004. If they don't, (and Richard Nixon didn't until his second term,) they go down eventually. Keep true to the goal: Work for just one new Democratic voter brought into the fold for 2004. It's all we can do, but if it is done one million times across this country, it will find its voice.
I have become the Democratic Precinct Chair in Joe Barton's district--me, the mouse, the wussie who hesitates to answer the telephone. I tell myself, "I can't change the world, but I can talk to this person and ask him if he's happy about the way things are going." I challenge you all to do the same thing. If we must go down, let us go down fighting. Tell me I'm not deluded.