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A couple questions for people who are smarter than me (which is

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acmavm Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 07:52 AM
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A couple questions for people who are smarter than me (which is
probably most of you):

1. Could Poppy be tired of Junior and the crap that he's brought us to? He's sent in James Baker to clean up the mess that dumbass has made, does that mean that he thinks sonny boy is a total screw-up?

2. KKKarl Rove: Is he, or has he been, as influential as everyone says he is? The neo-cons have been running the show so far, and it's rumored that Rove agreed with Poppy's decision to send in Baker, so does that mean that Rove feels like he's been pushed out by the neo-thugs and wants control of Sonny Boy again? Does this mean that KKKarl is really not as smart or powerful as people say he is?

3. Dickhead Cheney: Is he toast? He's been at the very least a prime mover in all the crimes committed by this administration. Do you think Baker is going to give him the old heave-ho to save Junior?
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Norquist Nemesis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 08:05 AM
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1. hmmm...interesting questions
I wish I was smart enough to answer. :lol

1. I haven't seen that Poppy called in Baker. Makes sense though. Although I've been thinking they had to have a backup plan during Powell's recovery and be able to put a different face on the force--er arm twisting. Poppy pretty much told junior he's a dumbass in more ways than we know. The award to Ted Kenneday for one.

2. Yes, Rove is that influential. Thing is, he's able to look down the road with a plan A and plan B when it comes to the political aspect and let the neocons move forward. What I wonder about is how Bush manages to be so damned lucky PR wise! I'm beginning to think it's like the footprints in the sand analogy used in court for juries to grasp the 'beyond a reasonable doubt'.

3. Naw, Cheney's not toast. One of the most corrupted men in Washington? He's got the goods on junior for one thing. Now, Wolfie and Rummy's another story.
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sandnsea Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 08:10 AM
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2. Yes, Poppy is sick of Jr.
Poppy was a multilateralist. I have all kinds of personal conspiracy theories on Poppy, Carlyle, etc. that aren't good. One thing that seems clear to me though, is that Georgie's neocons are not part of Poppy's plan.

Rove cares about Rove. He'd support anything that would save Georgie because that saves him.

I don't know about Cheney. I'd be surprised if he ran as VP next year. Unless he knows where a body or two is buried.
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