Remember the Chandra Levy business? How one Democratic Senator was widely discredited for his reticence about their relationship when she went missing? One person missing/dead, wall-to-wall coverage and examination of the case, the players, and the possibility of wrongdoing. Here are two more interesting cases for the media:
2. The 9/11 investigation. Bush Administration strangely reticent about releasing relevant documents. The Commission's leader Kean says the disaster "could have been prevented", and goes on to say if he were in charge he would be removing some of those in power who presided over the disaster. Result: scarcely a word from the media. People dead--3,000.
3. The Niger incident. Bush Administration touts Italian intelligence that uncovered a document purportedly from the Niger government authorizing sale of yellow-cake to Iraq. The IAEA demostrates the document is false in November of 2002, showing that it is an obvious forgery with markedly different signatures from retired officials, and a letterhead based on the old Constitution. All this without mentioning that all the yellow-cake produced by the facility in question is pre-sold, and none of that to Iraq. Result: no coverage until *after* "major combat operations" in Iraq are complete. People dead-by some reports upwards of 30,000.
In other words *give up* on assuming Bush will be held accountable for any of this business--he will at least be safe until after the election. Bush's administration is profitable for the corporations that own media outlets. Basic business sense dictates that all divisions of business work towards a profit. Even if a Democrat gets into office, the tide will *not* turn much unless we also carry the House and Senate. Even if we carry both houses, the Republicans will have the advantage of more profitable stances from a corporate standpoint. If we actually achieve an advantage or parity in government power, reducing the opportunity for the media to be so blatantly biased will be the primary objective for all responsible leaders.