Jim Hickey, "Irish Hero" of the Colonial Occupation of Iraq
The joke runs a little deeper still. The chief instrument of imperial oppression in this real-life story is an Irishman, Chicago-born Colonel Jim Hickey, commander of the 1st brigade of the 4th infantry division.
The colonel is inheritor of an Irish national tradition of resistance to colonialism--and a Hickey family tradition of US military service. His grandfather served in Europe during the first World War before returning to Ireland, and his father was sent to Korea after emigrating to America.
Mind you, there's little art to his gab. He speaks in chilling military jargon that better suits the villain of the movie rather than the hero. "My principal task was to complete the destruction of all former-regime elements within the area of Tikrit." As for the resistance: "We will give back much more than we take, I can guarantee you that."
Rhetorically Hickey is no George W Bush, though on RTE he did try to invent a word, twice: Iraqi fighters would engage in "erratic, spasmatic activity" and "irrational, spasmatic behaviour", he said.
the article refers to the movie Red Dawn (and how repugs love the movie) and the use of the name for the capture of saddam. and that now the military is actually calling some of the resisters 'freedom fighters'