Never give up the fight. Not before, after, or during Election, uh, er, if no selection. We're in this for the long run. And if we continue to fight, we could just turn both parties on their collective butts!
This is, after all, Our Land!
While the economics of sending manufacturing jobs and service
positions abroad may be the same, the political consequences promise
to be different. In American politics it's one thing to attack the working
class, but quite another to undermine the middle class, which votes in
higher percentages. As any political consultant will tell you, as the middle
class goes, so goes the nation. By cutting white collar positions,
American businesses are sowing the seeds of a populist backlash that
could redraw the political map.
The loss of high skilled jobs could also have a significant impact on next
year's presidential election. Voters' job anxiety is shaping up as the
number one election issue, with President Bush struggling against the
loss of more than 2 million jobs on his watch and a so far "jobless
economic recovery."