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The Uncompassionate Conservative ..Molly Ivins-great insight!

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tlcandie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 08:53 PM
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The Uncompassionate Conservative ..Molly Ivins-great insight!

In order to understand why George W. Bush doesn't get it, you have to take several strands of common Texas attitude, then add an impressive degree of class-based obliviousness. What you end up with is a guy who sees himself as a perfectly nice fellow -- and who is genuinely disconnected from the impact of his decisions on people.

On the few occasions when Bush does directly encounter the down-and-out, he seems to empathize. But then, in what is becoming a recurring, almost nightmare-type scenario, the minute he visits some constructive program and praises it (AmeriCorps, the Boys and Girls Club, job training), he turns around and cuts the budget for it. It's the kiss of death if the president comes to praise your program. During the presidential debate in Boston in 2000, Bush said, "First and foremost, we've got to make sure we fully fund LIHEAP , which is a way to help low-income folks, particularly here in the East, pay their high fuel bills." He then sliced $300 million out of that sucker, even as people were dying of hypothermia, or, to put it bluntly, freezing to death.

So what manner of monster is behind these outrages? I have known George W. Bush slightly since we were both in high school, and I studied him closely as governor. He is neither mean nor stupid. What we have here is a man shaped by three intertwining strands of Texas culture, combined with huge blinkers of class. The three Texas themes are religiosity, anti-intellectualism, and machismo. They all play well politically with certain constituencies.

So what manner of monster is behind these outrages? I have known George W. Bush slightly since we were both in high school, and I studied him closely as governor. He is neither mean nor stupid. What we have here is a man shaped by three intertwining strands of Texas culture, combined with huge blinkers of class. The three Texas themes are religiosity, anti-intellectualism, and machismo. They all play well politically with certain constituencies.

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ayeshahaqqiqa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 09:01 PM
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1. When my husband was in high school in Texas
he was asked to compare democracy and communism. He wrote a paper explaining that communism was an economic system and democracy was a political system. He went on to explain that the USSR had a limited, one party democracy. He explained that the US had a capitalist economic system. He flunked not only that paper but the entire class. That's what happens when you are the least bit intelligent in Texas, I guess.
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tlcandie Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 09:07 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. LoL Aye!
:bounce: Hey, I grew up in Texas and lived there most all of my life until 1991 then SEATTLE happened to me and I've not looked back since :D

I always hated Texas and I never found anyone that thought like me or felt like I did during that whole time! I was born in 1956 and lived in NWestern small town about 100 miles sw of Wichita Falls.

In places in Dallas, Houston, Austin I won't argue that there MIGHT be some difference since many have moved there from outside. But IMO it is limited. Overall it is redneck, narrow-mindedness just like all the stereotypes.

I always hate going back there. I'm leaving on Sunday to visit family for holidays and am wondering which t-shirt to wear the lies lies lies with everready W bunny/Got Truth? or my Kucinich :D
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