Just heard a live interview by Gary Hart on KHOW radio...
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Thu Dec-18-03 08:54 PM
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Just heard a live interview by Gary Hart on KHOW radio... |
in Denver. This was just 3 minutes after he was on the Olberman show. They were talking about the same subject, 9/11. The radio host said that the Washington media could not confront the WH too much or they would lose their access. Hart said there were more people they could question but that the media had failed to do its job. He said they should be camping out on Tom Ridge's porch. There are plenty of people they could get information from. But Hart is really onto this story. He came across mch stronger on the radio.
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Thu Dec-18-03 09:03 PM
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1. I hope Hart keeps going after this, and also takes on Kean....and |
I hope Clark joins him on the attack that he (Clark)has already started
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Fri Dec-19-03 01:38 AM
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4. I wish all the candidates would come together on this one |
It would be unusual, but effective if they would all work together in concert on this one. They can still clarify their positions while pushing the 911 issue into the spotlight.
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Thu Dec-18-03 10:35 PM
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2. I would like to see him as a VP candidate. Wonder if his "scandal" would |
hurt the ticket....probably. He had alot of potential and worked with Rudman on the "Terrorist Report" that Clinton commissioned.
He's very good to listen to. Or, at least when I've heard him, he is.
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Thu Dec-18-03 11:23 PM
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3. He is an intellectual politician |
And one of the few of those remaining. I wish he had run for President. Given his extensive knowledge of America's vulnerability to terrorism, he would have made an excellent leader.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:43 AM
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