The story which leads to 9/11 is a long, sordid, conspiratorial and complex one, worthy of a Robert Ludlum novel, and almost as hard to follow. It is much too lengthy for this thread, but if you are REALLY interested, and are prepared to have your socks blown off, I can direct you to the most comprehensive, disturbing and enlightening web site on this subject. I strongly urge you to go to www.unansweredquestions.org.
What you will find there is not speculation, but rather a painstaking research and account of the international players, their connections, motives and events that culminated into 9/11.
It will outline Bush's, Cheney's, Rumsfeld's and Wolfowitz's ties with the bin Laden family, the C.I.A.'s hiring of Osama binLaden, the ties to Unocal and Enron in Afghanistan and a whole lot more.
Again, the web site is www.unansweredquestions.org. You owe it to yourself to check it out.