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I had John Loftus figured wrong, I think.

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-18-03 10:51 PM
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I had John Loftus figured wrong, I think.
After reading his research on the Bushes, the Saudis, the Bush/Harriman connections to Germany, Thyssen Krupp, et al....I would just have assumed he would be against the war in Iraq.
In fact, I believe last year he was...?...can't find reference. I just remember being impressed with him on it.

I was switching channels just now, and he was frantically shaking his head and turning red-faced. He was arguing how the war was necessary, just taking it very personally. Then I saw Scarborough's face, and the segment ended.

Has he just become strongly for the Bushes all of a sudden after all the good research? And pro-war as well.
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diamond14 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 12:22 AM
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1. because the Iraq killing was done to protect least that
is what most Jewish people think (John Loftus now adores shrub, Lieberman loves shrub, and lots more) should be apparent to most Americans who have given much thought to this Iraq 'war'....Iraq missiles could never hurt America, but they might have gotten to Israel...

the real shock will come when bush* dumps Israel....when American bases are complete within Iraq as the 'center' of middle east American empire...and Israel becomes totally many people feel that bush* 'loves' Israel, and gives them $ 10 Billion dollars annually because of 'shared interests' and all that crap...the truth will soon be realized....just like shrub's daddy and rummy supported saddam....the day will come soon that Israel will be dumped, just like Iraq was....

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madfloridian Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-19-03 12:27 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. A question, though.
I may be wrong, but I thought Loftus was Catholic. Not that it really matters.

Something was wrong with the way he reacted tonight. He was about ready to jump through the screen at the other guy.

He was not that way last year. It is like someone got to him.
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